
Metro South Health – Dialysis Refurbishment

Description of ENAP’s Scope:

The project had 7 stages with all completion dates achieved.  ENAP was engaged to undertake remediation works and renovate the Dialysis Treatment Unit at PA Hospital including waste pipe work throughout the Dialysis unit, cabinetry and flooring to Level 1.  Works also included remediation works on the ground level of Building 31 for damages caused by waste leakage through the ceiling in identified areas.  ENAP’s aim was to complete this project in the shortest time possible to minimise impact on existing operations within the hospital.

The main constraint to the project was that the Dialysis Unit operated six days a week from 6am to 11pm; this required the works to be segmented over a number of phases, all carried out within hoarded work zones.  Stringent infection control conditions imposed by the hospital necessitated that ENAP develop and install a hoarding system capable of suppressing construction contaminates from invading the hospital operations. ENAP’s solution had multiple processes in place to ensure that the requirements were fulfilled without delays to construction activities.

A secondary constraint was that plumbing pipework specified were unavailable locally and had to be procured from United States. ENAP implemented solutions to expedite delivery to suit the works program and provide technical training and assistance to the tradesmen installing the specific imported goods.

As a testament to a successful project, the client re-engaged ENAP to employ the same system around other work zones within the hospital.