
Metro South Health – Kitchen Refurbishment

Description of ENAP’s Scope:

Engineering Applications was requested by Metro South Health to provide a proposal to complete the Jasmine Unit Kitchen Refurbishment project located at the Metro South Health 24 hour facility Casuarina Lodge in Wynnum West.

The overall project involved the demolition of the existing kitchen whilst retaining some key items to be reused within the new kitchen, installation of new under-slab hydraulic services, new mechanical services within the existing roof-space, installation of new white rock and vinyl to kitchen and the installation of new commercial kitchen equipment and stainless steel benches.

The key constraints faced during this project including a strict four week deadline to complete the works within the kitchen area, which had a number of different trades limited to a small amount of space. Secondly the Casuarina Lodge is a 24 hour functioning health facility with two separate health departments with a number of differing requirements.

To overcome these issues, strict on-site supervision was required of all works on-site as well as the transport of material on and off site. Hoardings were also installed around key construction and storage zones to exclude construction activities from staff and patients. Close communication with Metro South Health project staff and on-site unit managers was critical allowing a smooth progression of construction activities.